My first (long and wonderfully descriptive ) draft of this blog got deleted. So if this one is slightly more curt than usual, now you know why. Anyways, I spent the last weekend in Chicago with Jenny and Steph ('SC chums). Notable moments are listed below:
1. Harry Potter Exhibit @ Museum of Science & Industry:
Way overpriced (ticket alone was $26), but way worth it. It was almost as good as going to Hogwarts itself (I know because I go there). If you can, go!!! You can see a bunch of costumes, set pieces, props, etc. from the films. You can technically touch them, too, but then you'd get kicked out. I was SO close to touching Ron's hilarious dress robes from Goblet of Fire ("I look like my Great Aunt Tessie! I smell like my Great Aunt Tessie! Murder me, Harry!"), but I chickened out last minute due to the heavy presence of hawk-like guards. Still, thanks to my ninja skills, I managed to sneak in a few illegal photographs (below). Blurry, yes, but beggars can't be choosers.

Outside the exhibit, where pseudo-British museum workers
would ask lame and occasionally incorrect trivia questions to the awaiting audience.

Hermione's robes and casual attire.
Ron's robes!
2. Jenny attempting to get us a rollaway bed at Hotel Felix:
Jenny (on the phone): Hi. Um, do you charge a fee for rollaway beds? Because, um. This bed is not... comfortable. For me. (It was actually so soft and comfortable it was practically a floating cloud.)
Hotel Desk: No, we don't charge a fee.
Jenny (noticeably heartened): Oh!
Hotel Desk: ... But we don't have rollaway beds.
Well, there's one way to raise someone's hopes... and then violently crush them to pieces.
3. Shark Week:
I know it's not Chicago-specific, but since it's Shark Week on Discovery Channel, Jenny, Steph and I spent our late nights glued to the TV screen watching gruesome shark attacks. Colin (Steph's significant other) is currently scuba diving in the Bahamas, and Steph is a worrier if I've ever seen one (love you Steph), so she basically began to pee herself.
Steph: OMYGAWD!!! What if Colin gets attacked by sharks!!!
Guy on TV: ... and then we headed for the Bahamas, one of the most shark-attack prone places in the entire world...
Steph: WAHHHH!!!?? OMYGAWD!!!!!!
5 minutes later, Steph is sitting on the couch with her laptop. Jenny goes over to see what she's up to.
Me: What?
Jenny: Steph is just sitting here staring at her Facebook picture with Colin, all sad-like.
4. Chatting up a decidedly Democratic stranger @ Starbucks:
Need a conversation starter? Say the words "Young Republican" in a big city. Worked for me...
Me (talking about the minimal presence of Republicans at USC): blah blah blah Young Republicans blah blah blah blah. (Random Stranger looks over from coffee counter with creepy grin plastered on his face; I attempt to ignore him) Um... yeah... blah blah blah blah
Random Stranger (walks over, creepy grin still plastered on his face): Young Republicans?? Young Republicans?? Are you one?
Me: Um, no. Ha. Ha. Just talking about how there aren't that many at school...
Random Stranger: Oh! Ha ha ha ha ha! was gonna say, I don't think those exist...
Me: Yeah, ha ha.
Random Stranger: Heh heh heh. Yeah, cuz they're all old, right? Ha ha!
Me: Ha haaaaa, yeah.
Random Stranger: Okay, then! Well, you have a good day now!!!
Oh, Chicago... and my future roomies (minus one who was very missed). How I love thee.
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