
chi-town times.

My first (long and wonderfully descriptive ) draft of this blog got deleted. So if this one is slightly more curt than usual, now you know why. Anyways, I spent the last weekend in Chicago with Jenny and Steph  ('SC chums). Notable moments are listed below:

1. Harry Potter Exhibit @ Museum of Science & Industry:
Way overpriced (ticket alone was $26), but way worth it. It was almost as good as going to Hogwarts itself (I know because I go there). If you can, go!!! You can see a bunch of costumes, set pieces, props, etc. from the films. You can technically touch them, too, but then you'd get kicked out. I was SO close to touching Ron's hilarious dress robes from Goblet of Fire ("I look like my Great Aunt Tessie! I smell like my Great Aunt Tessie! Murder me, Harry!"), but I chickened out last minute due to the heavy presence of hawk-like guards. Still, thanks to my ninja skills, I managed to sneak in a few illegal photographs (below). Blurry, yes, but beggars can't be choosers. 

Outside the exhibit, where pseudo-British museum workers 
would ask lame and occasionally incorrect trivia questions to the awaiting audience.
Hermione's robes and casual attire.
Ron's robes!
Costumes and set pieces from Prisoner of Azkaban. 
And this was when I got yelled at by a guard.

2. Jenny attempting to get us a rollaway bed at Hotel Felix:
Jenny (on the phone): Hi. Um, do you charge a fee for rollaway beds? Because, um. This bed is not... comfortable. For me. (It was actually so soft and comfortable it was practically a floating cloud.)
Hotel Desk: No, we don't charge a fee.
Jenny (noticeably heartened): Oh!
Hotel Desk: ... But we don't have rollaway beds.

Well, there's one way to raise someone's hopes... and then violently crush them to pieces.

3. Shark Week:
I know it's not Chicago-specific, but since it's Shark Week on Discovery Channel, Jenny, Steph and I spent our late nights glued to the TV screen watching gruesome shark attacks. Colin (Steph's significant other) is currently scuba diving in the Bahamas, and Steph is a worrier if I've ever seen one (love you Steph), so she basically began to pee herself.
Steph: OMYGAWD!!! What if Colin gets attacked by sharks!!!
Guy on TV: ... and then we headed for the Bahamas, one of the most shark-attack prone places in the entire world...
Steph: WAHHHH!!!?? OMYGAWD!!!!!!
5 minutes later, Steph is sitting on the couch with her laptop. Jenny goes over to see what she's up to.
Me: What?
Jenny: Steph is just sitting here staring at her Facebook picture with Colin, all sad-like.
Steph: HOW DO YOU KNOW??? 
4. Chatting up a decidedly Democratic stranger @ Starbucks:
Need a conversation starter? Say the words "Young Republican" in a big city. Worked for me... 
Me (talking about the minimal presence of Republicans at USC): blah blah blah Young Republicans blah blah blah blah. (Random Stranger looks over from coffee counter with creepy grin plastered on his face; I attempt to ignore him) Um... yeah... blah blah blah blah
Random Stranger (walks over, creepy grin still plastered on his face): Young Republicans?? Young Republicans?? Are you one?
Me: Um, no. Ha. Ha. Just talking about how there aren't that many at school... 
Random Stranger: Oh! Ha ha ha ha ha! was gonna say, I don't think those exist... 
Me: Yeah, ha ha.
Random Stranger: Heh heh heh. Yeah, cuz they're all old, right? Ha ha!
Me: Ha haaaaa, yeah.
Random Stranger: Okay, then! Well, you have a good day now!!!

Oh, Chicago... and my future roomies (minus one who was very missed). How I love thee.

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