
hello, world.

Today, I finally succumbed to the epidemic that is the blog.

It might've been L.A.'s recent, weirdly Ohio-like shifts in temperature (Monday, it was a hellish 99 degrees; today, it's a frigid- in the Socal sense of the word, of course- 68), which have put me in a panicky state of disorientation and emotional trauma. (Getting dressed in the morning has never been so stressful... Strapless sundress or fur-lined parka? Flip-flops or suede moccasins?? OH GOD, TAKE ME NOW!!!)

Left: Me on Monday. Right: Me today. Basically.

Or, come to think of it, it could have also been the freakishly healthy, suspiciously squirrel-food-esque Trio bars (the package reads: Vegan/0g Trans Fat/Kosher/No Additives/No Cholesterol/Free of Gluten, Dairy, Wheat, GMO...ew) that my ever-considerate mother (for more information, check out www.mymomisafob.com) recently shipped me in bulk and that, after hesitantly nibbling this morning, left me feeling very confused.

Nutritious snack, or food for the bushy-tailed? We will never know.

In all reality, though, this blog can probably owe itself to the fact that I have three 10-12 page term papers due next week, only one of which I've started, and have thus entered into that ever-familiar phase of procrastination in which you're so deep in denial that you start having the illusion that you don't have anything better to do with your time than, say, create blogs or watch marathons of Millionaire Matchmaker (or worse, Spanish-language infomercials).

Who watches this? Oh wait, I do.

...I don't even speak Spanish.

This might not make much sense to you, but that's why I'm a failure at life and you're not. (www.fmylife.com, anyone?)

Whatever the reason, the urge to start blogging hit me today like that school bus that comes out of abso-freaking-lutely nowhere and hits Regina at the end of Mean Girls. And, choosing not to question inspiration's strange and mysterious ways (did you know it could come in the form of squirrel food?), I obeyed.

Happy birthday, blog.

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