
in other words, i'm a softie.

As I was thinking morbid thoughts, conspicuously but unapologetically (front and center, baby) doodling the words "SAVE ME NOW" in various fonts and sizes all over my handouts, and downing my milky coffee while sitting through my intolerable Comm 200 discussion this morning, I came upon the following conclusion:

California (and college) has made me soft.

1. A lifelong black-coffee-only person, I now take milk with my coffee.
2. I flip a shit when it's anything less than 75 degrees outside.
3. I have nostalgic thoughts about Ohio and high school, two things I used to abhor, at least once a day.

So yeah. It's true what they say: Socal makes you soft.

In other news, every Angeleno should pick up a copy of LA Weekly's People 2009 issue, because it's freaking sweet. Anybody who is ANYBODY in L.A. is profiled in it, it's super well-written and designed, and it features some amazing photography.

Who doesn't love pretty pictures?

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