10 Things Prospective Students Should Know About USC
(Before Sending In Their $300 Deposit)
1. It's called the University of Spoiled Children for a reason. (If you don't know what "Citizens" are, don't own an iPhone or a Blackberry, and/or think "True Religion" is the title of a spiritual self-help book, do yourself a favor and go to state college instead.)
2. It's also called the University of South Central for a reason. (Here, not even frat bros are too manly for pepper spray.)
3. If standing for 4+ hours in a colossal solar oven, repeatedly being obliged to do the SoCal spell-out (really? must we spell out the inanely long "Southern California".. again?) while watching brute-like men throw themselves at each other as if in some Neanderthal homoerotic fantasy does not sound like your idea of sheer and total bliss, you will not survive football season. Or if you do survive, you will come out of it a weaker, sadder, sorrier person.
Did I really pay $160 for this?
4. USC is located on a very small, trapezoidal-shaped, ghetto-locked piece of land. This virtually guarantees that its students live in a tiny, insulated bubble. Accordingly, on the extremely rare instances that you will see puppies, small children, and/or people from the outside world, you will freak the hell out.
USC's small, trapezoidal campus is comfortably cushioned on all sides by... South Central.
5. #4 also guarantees that if you ever need to avoid anyone, which you inevitably will, you will fail at doing so. Encounters of the most excruciatingly awkward nature thrive beautifully at USC.
6. If you are a girl who also happens to be a normal human being, USC will take your self-esteem and break it into millions of little pieces. If you do not have at least 1-2 full hours each morning to devote to perfecting your immaculate, boho-meets-hipster-meets-LA-chic look, don't even bother. You might as well affix a paper bag onto your head before going out in public. (Unless you're a science major, in which case this does not apply.)
USC: an army of Lauren Conrads...
... and bohemian/hipster, Urban Outfitters catalog types.
7. There are only two dining halls. EVK, the one you will most likely frequent, serves approximately three edible items per day: marinara pasta, pizza, and salad-- or "my daily meal of noodles and leaves," according to EVK regular/hater Nitasha R. (I should, however, concede that EVK does occasionally show faint glimmers of humanity, e.g. their grill and fondue days.)
8. If you live around the Quad (and most freshmen do), you will be woken up and driven to violent and/or suicidal thoughts on random Sundays by terrible "rock," "rap," and occasionally "Christian" concerts, none of which are actually attended by more than 3 people, yet all of which persist intolerably for at least 6 grueling hours.
9. Whether you want it or not, USC will provide you with a quality classical education... in Greek life. Not only will you learn the Greek alphabet, you will also be able to name and describe every sorority and fraternity in existence, possess the lowdown on every invite, exchange, and/or frat party that is going on at all times, and acquire the highly intellectual skill of being able to sort girls into their respective sororities by the color of their tote bags (and frat guys by their bro shades).
DG- and I didn't even need to cheat!
10. The Spirit of Troy (the marching band) and their head-splitting, maddeningly repetitive tunes will haunt you forever, no matter where you go. Even if they're not blasting the fight song right outside your dorm, rest assured that they will always find you (they've cropped up in such unlikely places as American Idol, the Grammys, and my worst nightmares).
*Note to any humorless, SoCal spell-out loving, USC-adoring readers I have undoubtedly angered: Don't get angry. This was all written in good humor. Obviously, USC isn't an entirely useless, blinged-out intellectual wasteland.